Typical Orchestra Fernandez Fierro

Typical Orchestra Fernandez Fierro is the worst kept secret of under Buenos Aires, we chose you to reveal it. Their concerts summon a wide audience that discovers a new tango, without gender stereotypes, with the power of punk and the expressive possibilities of rock.

Buenos Aires, Tango’s craddle embraces the Abasto neighborhood where the famous tango singer Carlos Gardel lived during his childhood. Nowadays holds a hidden treasure, the Orchestra Fernandez Fierro playing at the CAFF (Athletic Club Fernández Fierro), a raw diamond. Far away from the chic areas and typical tango shows we’ll enter and unknown world.

It all began back in the second half of the nineteen century when the Rio de la Plata received waves of immigrants. Tango mixed these cultures creating a new musical gender, with African, criollos and European roots. This fussion started a popular dance among the lower clases, denied and prohibited by wealthy people.

Suburban “arrabales” (slums), ports, brothels and jails were the main drivers of this rhythm. It took almost four decades to establish itself as a new musical gender with its own identity. In modern times tango brings us together, without barriers, no matter our cultural and social level. Tango is able to express emotions such us sorrow, love, courage, strengh, nostalgy, revenge and CAFF opens  its doors to make it posible to be part of this unique and authentic experience.


Once we arrive at the entrance, surrounded by the darkness of the night, we’ll find ourselves on the sidewalk wondering if we’ve been brought to what it looks like a garage. No neon signs, not any advertising announcing the show, nothing to anticipate us if we’re on the right place. Should we enter? Let’s breath deeply and be brave. Once we pass our first obstacle, a set of curtains made of plastic stripes that works as a gateway, we’ll have to walk down a dark aisle without a clue of what is waiting for  us at the other end. At this point, there is no turning back,  our curiosity grows and the call of tango is stronger, so we push ourselves to keep going.  This place is to go blind as a bat, trust your senses, trust the “tangueros”,  trust their creativity, they won’t let you down.

After exchanging kind smiles we are more tan ready to cross our second obstacle, another set of plastic striped curtain. Finally, a short narrow space separates us from the moment of truth, like the calm before the storm. All of a sudden this immense space, slightly iluminated and fully packed with people greets us. We look around in awe. Who are all these people? We notice groups of friends enjoying a good drink with a snack, couples in their own private world, loners enjoying their solitude and even strangers sharing a same table, all together reunited with the same goal, just like us, to enjoy an authentic local event.

typical-orchestra-fernandez-fierro-lisardoOnce at our seats maybe sharing a table with other tangueros, our curiosity is skin deep, so we keep looking around, we don’t want to miss anything. We find there is a strobe ball, the pinnacle of vulgarity in the era of disco fever chairing the ceiling. An aged wall with the face of Osvaldo Pugliese (by the way a very famous tango pianist and composer) reigning in its space. A bar  featuring empanadas and cakes cooked by Nestor, an enthusiastic neighbour who is already like family. There is also wine, beer and the famous Fernet. And one hundred chairs in different sizes, styles and backgrounds, mostly donated by the faithful who attends every ritual.

Finally the most expected moment comes, the dim light dissapears, darkness gains protagonism, a silent anticipation and all of a sudden, light explodes and the orchestra begins a unique interpretation.


Our mind stops any rational thinking, just a moment to question, who are these passionate protagonists?

Thirteen souls on stage, stripped off the traditional tango suit, surprises us with their own identity.  A mixture of modern and relaxed look where t-shirts, sunglasses , short or long hair and even dreadlocks hair style,  freely mix and blend  into the  amazing interpretation of their extraordinary music.

Their music opens our mind. Our thoughts fly freely, letting us dream and imagine the unthinkable. Once we start listening to the first melodies playing in the air, we wonder … is it Tango with traces of Rock? These artists shows us a battle of violins and accordions with its sultry sounds that transports us to a new era of tango. Let’s not forget the strenght of the singer’s voice in some pieces that express in words the music they’re playing.

The surrounding makes us feel their fire and passion, the communion between the artists and us, the spectators. Everyone is welcome to be part of the underground experience, we were able to join the locals fervour, captivated and drawned also by this miracle.
We didn’t expect a luxury accommodation, just an opportunity to live the real Buenos Aires as some porteños live it. And we had the chance to feel what these artists wanted to become.


They had a dream to play music
They had a dream to fuse tango and rock
They had a dream to be passionate
They had a dream to be unique and unforgettable
They had a dream to become the Fernandez Fierro Tango Orchestra.

You can combine this Kallpa Underground Tour with a private tango lesson, if you need further assistance just contact your personal Kallpa Executive.


As you see, there are a lot of alternatives to experience Buenos Aires in a new and awesome way. If you need further assistance about Typical Orchestra Fernandez Fierro you can contact your personal Kallpa Executive or simply leave a message in our  contact form. We’ll be happy to assist you!.