Passenger obligations:
- Use face covering. During trekking or hiking, it is possible to remove the face covering, always taking care to maintain the minimum distance required.
- Use face covering on public areas of the hotels.
- Keep physical and social distance (1.5 mts).
- Each person should carry and handle their luggage.
- If you have suspected symptoms compatible with COVID 19, do not take excursions or any other service and immediately inform the agency.
- Each passenger when boarding the bus must disinfect their hands using recommended methods for cleaning and sanitizing.
- If suspected symptoms are shown in a passenger during the journey,the driver of the unit or the coordinator guide must be alerted. The person will be kept isolated from the rest of the group and the local health authorities must be contacted immediately.
- Each passenger will have a designed seat which must be respected throughout the tour.
Recommendations for passengers
- Before travelling, check your health.
- We recommend that passengers have valid travel insurance for the destination and trip type on which they are embarking. Ensuring that the policy covers all COVID19 travel risk.
- Avoid crowded and not properly ventilated places.
- Each person should have their individual equipment (food, drink). Sharing utensils and food is not recommended.
- The way of serving breakfast will depend on the hotel.
- Whenever there is space available in the vehicle, passengers are recommended to leave a free seat between those who share a room or are a family group and those who are part of another group or stay in another room.
- In hotels and accommodations it is suggested to avoid sharing the elevator with other guests. It will have to be used individually or with the people with whom you share a room.