Obligations for transfers and excursions SIB/Privates providers
- Passengers with similar symptoms to COVID-19 will not be admitted.
- All the passengers must wear face covering.
- When receiving the passenger at the beginning of the service, inform the preventive measures for minimizing the chances to spread the COVID-19 virus.
- Post signs in visible places of the vehicle (entrance and toilets) displaying the COVID-19 prevention measures
- Make alcohol-based hand sanitizers available for all passengers when they get on the transportation units.
- Advise the group to observe the required social distancing measures while waiting for the vehicle, at the several stops, when getting on and off, and while inside the vehicle.
- Social distancing measures will be required while descending the vehicle to observe the landscape, birdwatching or similar situations.
- The guide will sit alone or next to the driver.
- Personnel will wear cloth face covering and have available alcohol-base sanitiser to disinfect luggage, bags and other elements that can be handled by the personnel.
- In case of regular tours, when passengers are not part of the same group, seats will be assigned in advance. The seat assigned to each passenger must be respected throughout the tour.
- Implement vehicle sanitizing procedures. This includes all elements that were in touch with passengers and workers (pens, folders, microphone, mobile phones, bags, etc.). In addition, ensure the overall cleaning of the vehicle before and after each service, including, without limitation, seats, head restraints, banisters, glasses, door handles, toilets (if applicable).
- Drivers should be trained on the use of gloves when cleaning and disinfecting the vehicle.
- The luggage will be handled only by the driver and must be transported in the hold, including hand luggage. Passengers will have to drop it at the indicated place. To get your luggage back you will have to respect social distancing measures.
- When the tour includes in its route: Restaurants, tea houses, national or public parks, or any shop that is planned to be visited, its operation must be authorized and must strictly comply with the protocol defined for each activity.
- If a person exhibits respiratory symptoms or has a fever during the service, such person will have to be isolated in a place specifically set aside to such end, or kept separated from other people, by at least 2 metres/6.5-ft. The local Health Emergency System should be immediately contacted to have the person assessed.
Recommendations for transfers and excursions suppliers
- It’s suggested to implement a temperature measurement system when passengers are getting on the vehicle.
- Avoid as much as possible direct contact between passengers and staff.
- Passengers will have to clean their shoes on a sanitizing mat everytime they get on and off the transport.
- It is recommended that the seats adjacent to solo passengers should remain free. Only both seats will be occupied in the case of passengers traveling together and sharing a hotel room.
- It is recommended that seats that can and cannot be occupied are pre-marked.
- When possible, the driver will ventilate the vehicle.
- It is recommended that the vehicle has a divider between the driver’s compartment and the passengers (in small vehicles).
- Avoid any snack service, etc. to minimize the manipulation of elements and thus reduce the chances of direct contagion.