Hello! I’m Romina Vaquero, Accountant Executive of Kallpa Tour, and I’d like to share with you my experience during the promotional trip.
All began last year at the season finale meeting where I was informed by the directors of the company that I would have the chance to travel abroad in March to meet in person the clients I work with everyday, that is to say, you.
I reacted to the news with mixed feelings: expectation, joy, nervousness and excitement for representing Kallpa and my colleagues, who work side by side with me in this activity that is very enriching at a personal and professional level.
Gabriel and I designed the itinerary and activities for the trip, and then we informed our clients of my visit. They received the news with a lot of enthusiasm.
The day finally arrived. I found myself at Ezeiza Airport in Buenos Aires, luggage in hand, doing the check in before flying to the old continent. First stop: Berlin. There was I, after having imagined that moment for so long!
Already in Berlin, I leave for the fair located in the exhibition grounds of the city, a few minutes away from where I am staying. My curiosity grows minute after minute as I know that the ITB groups service providers in the tourism sector and it’s a great opportunity to meet clients and occasional visitors.
After my accreditation as an expositor, I started my visit to this gigantic fair, with an astonishing number of expositors from the different areas that form part of the tourism industry at a global scale. Professionals representing airlines, tour operators, tourist offices, among others, are there with the same objective in mind: to make contacts, exchange ideas, and to lean about and discuss the evolution of the international tourist market.
After the rewarding experience at the ITB, I left Berlin for Holland to continue with my itinerary in order to visit clients and meet in person the colleagues with whom I work remotely on a daily basis.
After a few days in Holland, I returned to Germany to continue visiting clients as scheduled.
I had the chance to meet my colleagues and their workplace, and I could work remotely from home, which was a marvelous experience!
I treasure very good memories of this experience, especially for the kindness and politeness received in our meetings, which have allowed me to learn about and expand our clients’ profiles.
Thanks everybody for your warm welcome. I cannot but express my gratitude to Laura and Gabriel who offered me this opportunity and to my colleagues for their good wishes for the trip.
See you soon!