- Passengers with compatible symptoms to COVID 19 will not be admitted.
- Consider choosing regular excursions on a reduced basis (in cases where regular Bus and Van services are offered).
- Consider booking a larger vehicle in case the transfer is with a guide.
- Consider not having any snack to minimize the manipulation of elements to reduce the chances of direct transmission.
How to proceed in the event of a suspected or positive case of COVID-19.
In Kallpa, a Crisis Committee will be established with all the parties involved, who will establish and monitor the protocol to be followed, as well as those responsible for ensuring its compliance
- If suspected symptoms are shown in a passenger during the journey, the driver of the unit or the coordinator guide must be alerted. The person will be kept isolated from the rest of the group and the local health authorities must be contacted. The tour will be reprogrammed preserving the social distancing to avoid the transmission and spread of the virus.
- The travelers country agency must be reported immediately of the situation.
- Until the health authorities intervene, respiratory hygiene measures must be extreme (covering the mouth with the elbow flexed when coughing or sneezing), hand washing and social distancing (avoid contact or closeness to other people).
- The passenger and or the companions will be contacted to provide telephone assistance. Then the client will be informed.
- If the passenger had services previously, the providers of the services or persons that have been in contact with the traveler must be informed.
Attention to injured persons must be carried out according to the protocol of each activity. When it is not possible to maintain social distancing, respiratory protection, hygiene and disinfection measures must be taken to the extreme.